home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- use vars qw(@EXPORT $VAR1);
- # Common functions that are used in adduser and deluser
- # Copyright (C) 2000 Roland Bauerschmidt <rb@debian.org>
- # Most of the functions are adopted from the original adduser
- # Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999 Guy Maor <maor@debian.org>
- # Copyright (C) 1995 Ted Hajek <tedhajek@boombox.micro.umn.edu>
- # Ian A. Murdock <imurdock@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
- #
- @EXPORT = qw(invalidate_nscd gtx dief warnf read_config get_users_groups get_group_members s_print s_printf systemcall);
- sub invalidate_nscd {
- # Check if we need to do make -C /var/yp for NIS
- my $nisconfig;
- if(-f "/etc/default/nis") {
- $nisconfig = "/etc/default/nis";
- } elsif(-f "/etc/init.d/nis") {
- $nisconfig = "/etc/init.d/nis";
- }
- # find out whether a local ypserv is running
- # We can ditch any rpcinfo error since if the portmapper is nonfunctional,
- # we couldn't connect to ypserv anyway. If this assumption is invalid,
- # please file a bug and suggest a better way.
- if(defined($nisconfig) && -f "/var/yp/Makefile" &&
- -x "/usr/bin/rpcinfo" && grep(/ypserv/, qx{/usr/bin/rpcinfo -p 2>/dev/null})) {
- open(NISCONFIG, "<$nisconfig");
- if(grep(/^NISSERVER=master/, <NISCONFIG>)) {
- system("make", "-C", "/var/yp");
- }
- close(NISCONFIG);
- }
- # Check if we need to invalidate the NSCD cache
- my $nscd = &which('nscd',1);
- # this function replaces startnscd and stopnscd (closes: #54726)
- # We are ignoring any error messages given by nscd here since we
- # cannot expect the nscd maintainer and upstream to document their
- # interfaces. See #330929.
- if(defined($nscd) && -x $nscd)
- {
- my $table = shift;
- if ($table)
- {
- system ($nscd, "-i", $table);
- }
- else
- {
- # otherwise we invalidate passwd and group table
- system ($nscd, "-i", "passwd");
- system ($nscd, "-i", "group");
- }
- }
- }
- sub gtx {
- return gettext( shift );
- }
- sub dief {
- my ($form,@argu)=@_;
- printf STDERR sprintf(gtx("%s: %s"), $0, $form), @argu;
- exit 1;
- }
- sub warnf {
- my ($form,@argu)=@_;
- printf STDERR sprintf(gtx("%s: %s"), $0, $form), @argu;
- }
- # parse the configuration file
- # parameters:
- # -- filename of the configuration file
- # -- a hash for the configuration data
- sub read_config {
- my ($conf_file, $configref) = @_;
- my ($var, $lcvar, $val);
- if (! -f $conf_file) {
- warnf gtx("`%s' does not exist. Using defaults.\n"),$conf_file if $verbose;
- return;
- }
- open (CONF, $conf_file) || dief ("%s: `%s'\n",$conf_file,$!);
- while (<CONF>) {
- chomp;
- next if /^#/ || /^\s*$/;
- if ((($var, $val) = /^\s*([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) != 2) {
- warnf gtx("Couldn't parse `%s', line %d.\n"),$conf_file,$.;
- next;
- }
- $lcvar = lc $var;
- if (!defined($configref->{$lcvar})) {
- warnf gtx("Unknown variable `%s' at `%s', line %d.\n"),$var,$conf_file,$.;
- next;
- }
- $val =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
- $val =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
- $configref->{$lcvar} = $val;
- }
- close CONF || die "$!";
- }
- # return a user's groups
- sub get_users_groups {
- my($user) = @_;
- my($name,$members,@groups);
- setgrent;
- while (($name,$members) = (getgrent)[0,3]) {
- for (split(/ /, $members)) {
- if ($user eq $_) {
- push @groups, $name;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- endgrent;
- @groups;
- }
- # return a group's members
- sub get_group_members
- {
- my $group = shift;
- my @members;
- foreach (split(/ /, (getgrnam($group))[3])) {
- if (getpwuid(getpwnam($_)) eq $_ ) {
- push @members, $_;
- }
- }
- return @members;
- }
- sub s_print
- {
- print join(" ",@_)
- if($verbose);
- }
- sub s_printf
- {
- printf @_
- if($verbose);
- }
- sub d_printf
- {
- printf @_
- if((defined($verbose) && $verbose > 1) || (defined($debugging) && $debugging == 1));
- }
- sub systemcall {
- my $c = join(' ', @_);
- print ("$c\n") if $verbose==2;
- if (system(@_)) {
- dief (gtx("`%s' returned error code %d. Exiting.\n"), $c, $?>>8)
- if ($?>>8);
- dief (gtx("`%s' exited from signal %d. Exiting.\n"), $c, $?&255);
- }
- }
- sub which {
- my ($progname, $nonfatal) = @_ ;
- for my $dir (split /:/, $ENV{"PATH"}) {
- if (-x "$dir/$progname" ) {
- return "$dir/$progname";
- }
- }
- dief(gtx("Could not find program named `%s' in \$PATH.\n"), $progname) unless ($nonfatal);
- return 0;
- }
- # preseed the configuration variables
- # then read the config file /etc/adduser and overwrite the data hardcoded here
- sub preseed_config {
- my ($conflistref, $configref) = @_;
- $configref->{"system"} = 0;
- $configref->{"only_if_empty"} = 0;
- $configref->{"remove_home"} = 0;
- $configref->{"home"} = "";
- $configref->{"remove_all_files"} = 0;
- $configref->{"backup"} = 0;
- $configref->{"backup_to"} = ".";
- $configref->{"dshell"} = "/bin/bash";
- $configref->{"first_system_uid"} = 100;
- $configref->{"last_system_uid"} = 999;
- $configref->{"first_uid"} = 1000;
- $configref->{"last_uid"} = 29999;
- $configref->{"first_system_gid"} = 100;
- $configref->{"last_system_gid"} = 999;
- $configref->{"first_gid"} = 1000;
- $configref->{"last_gid"} = 29999;
- $configref->{"dhome"} = "/home";
- $configref->{"skel"} = "/etc/skel";
- $configref->{"usergroups"} = "yes";
- $configref->{"users_gid"} = "100";
- $configref->{"grouphomes"} = "no";
- $configref->{"letterhomes"} = "no";
- $configref->{"quotauser"} = "";
- $configref->{"dir_mode"} = "0755";
- $configref->{"setgid_home"} = "no";
- $configref->{"no_del_paths"} = "^/$ ^/lost+found/.* ^/media/.* ^/mnt/.* ^/etc/.* ^/bin/.* ^/boot/.* ^/dev/.* ^/lib/.* ^/proc/.* ^/root/.* ^/sbin/.* ^/tmp/.* ^/sys/.* ^/srv/.* ^/opt/.* ^/initrd/.* ^/usr/.* ^/var/.*";
- $configref->{"name_regex"} = "^[a-z][-a-z0-9_]*\$";
- $configref->{"name_regex_system"} = "^[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_]*\$";
- $configref->{"exclude_fstypes"} = "(proc|sysfs|usbfs|devpts|tmpfs)";
- $configref->{"skel_ignore_regex"} = "dpkg-(old|new|dist)\$";
- $configref->{"extra_groups"} = "dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev users games";
- $configref->{"add_extra_groups"} = 0;
- foreach( @$conflistref ) {
- read_config($_,$configref);
- }
- }
- # Local Variables:
- # mode:cperl
- # End:
- #vim:set ai et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0: